COLIMA began as a fundraising effort to re-build/re-open the Kwakupokela Community Library in Northern Malawi. The library re-opened its doors in 2018 and has been fully embraced by its community. It now serves as a model for establishing other community libraries in Malawi
We are currently asking for financial support to continue to advance the Kwakupokela Community Library and to support the creation of new libraries. All monetary donations from our fundraising efforts will be used to:
Pay our community volunteers a stipend/living wage and train others within the Community.
Purchase additional textbooks for the Kwakupokela Community Library that encompass the curriculum of the nearby Primary and Secondary schools.
Purchase a printer/copier which will establish a source of revenue. All revenue will be redirected back into the library for books, maintenance, electricity, etc.
Work with other NGOs within Malawi who have reached out requesting our help in setting up Community Libraries in their own communities!
(DONE!) Make building improvements including the installation of secured windows and indoor furniture improvements.
(DONE!) Improve the security of our building so that access to computers and offering of printer/copy services will someday be possible.
(DONE!) Creation of a signpost to signify the location of the Kwakupokela Community Library.
Your donations helped us to put this brand new roof on the library. No more leaks!
We’ve been able to buy some books, but we want to fill the library. Your donation will help.
It’s coming along! Look at all those books!